Tram (trolley) DWG CAD Block in Autocad , download

Tram (trolley) DWG CAD Block
Tram (trolley) DWG CAD Block

today one of the vehicles that you can see in the cities is the tram. A tram (in North America streetcar or trolley) is a rail vehicle that runs on tramway tracks along public urban streets; some include segments of segregated right-of-way.

as you know trams can be have the different sizes and models that . in this pack we have provided the 2 different models and sizes of the tram in 3 view (front , top , side) . this cad blocks can be used to create the 3d model as sketch file and also use in the urban and metro cad projects.

in this package we have tried to draw in high quality and details .

format : DWG

size : 1.3mb

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