Radiator is the important Sanitary Ware tools that uses in the any Indoor place like home , office , hospital , bathroom and other places . radiator is used to heating the place and dry the towel in the bathroom ...
8 storey apartment building architecture plan dwg 275 m2 The mentioned residential architectural plan is designed on a land with dimensions of 20 meters in length and 13.5 meters in width, which is about 275 square meters of the total ...
Cashier Desk is one of the important furniture in the design of the shop and shopping center , restaurant and any place that the customer should pay money in that place. as you know Cashier Desk can be deigned in ...
Petrol station dwg floor plan in Autocad Petrol station architecture project is the design of a place where oil/gasoline and other fuels are sold and minor car repairs are provided. In different countries and languages, it is called by different ...
Turnstiles DWG CAD blocks in autocad Turnstile or (turnpike, baffle gate, automated gate) is the type of the gate that allow to the one person to pass at one time that machine allow. this gate use in the many public ...
Rural House dwg plan , floor plans , sections , elevations Rural house is one of the types of old architecture that is very popular, although the growth and development of urbanization has become more common, but still these houses ...
today we have the military people collection cad block , this collection is containing the police , soldiers with the gun , police with Shield and different style policeman. also you can see police cad in the front and side ...
one of the important tools in the laboratory is the Microscope , this tool is used to see the small things and structure of the things. totally the things which are means invisible to the eye would be visible through ...
in the any shopping center , mall , metro or any public places you can find the ESCALATOR or Moving walkway (An escalator is a moving staircase which carries people between floors of a building). here we have the beautiful ...
3 bedroom apartment dwg plan in autocad , 12*20 m In this 5 storey building , we have provided 3 bedroom house dwg plan in autocad . This project includes , floor plans , section and elevation . The estimated ...